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How To Write A Brief For The Project? – Brand Guide

For Brands
How To Write A Brief For The Project? – Brand Guide
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How To Write A Brief For The Project? – Brand Guide

3 Min read 516 Views

Being known how to write a brief for the project is a necessary prerequisite for success. Our augmented reality project should live up to our expectations. Before creating a brief you can check the guideline created for brands. It describes in detail all the steps that must be taken to order a project. However, today we will talk about how to write your order description properly. This is the case whenever you have an idea, about what kind of content you strive to receive from creators. Here are the general steps you should take to write a brief.


Describe goals and motivations

First, talk about your company, and brand. State what your company’s mission is. When discussing the business, it should be clear how the company’s objectives are related to the development of an augmented reality project.

How To Write A Brief For The Project-Goals

Highlight particular challenges and objectives

After that, start talking about the challenges you want your future AR project to solve. Define: What is your challenge, and how will the AR project deal with this challenge? This section helps us show our expectations. When the creator is clear about your expectations, they can enter the discussion to share their own experiences and give some helpful tips. We recommend watching this video to learn more about the possibilities of AR to tailor them to your objectives


Give information about your target audience

How To Write A Brief For The Project-target audience


Write about the people for whom this AR project is going to be created. Talk about their demographics or personality traits. It would be good to share not only general information but also specific insights, talking about their motivations and interests. Describe why they buy your product, what pain points they have, what makes them happy, etc. You can cite a user persona, a specific person, with specific characteristics (name, surname, age, interests, consumer behavior, etc.) 


Introduce competitors

Describe who your opponents are. How are you and they are positioned on market,  What are the commonalities and differences between you? Have your opponent’s done Augmented Reality content/campaigns? The creators will take into account the current situation in this direction. 

*it’s not relevant that much, but better that creator knows everything.


Project message and customer benefits

Any step taken by the brand should be translated into the added value created for the customer, in the benefit they will receive. Specify what benefits this campaign should bring to the customer: get positive emotions, improve the shopping experience, get a discount, etc.


Draft the distribution plan

Describe how you will deliver this project to your customer, what path will they go through before trying the AR experience, what will be the event accompanying the process of receiving the experience,  what are your expectations, and how will things develop after that.


Showcase References When You Write A Brief For The Project

If you have seen something on the internet, do not hesitate and share and explain what to take in mind from this example and what to change if you need to change something.

Do not hesitate to detail the brief. In this way, you will simplify the work of the creator and the final project will come out in accordance with your expectations as much as possible. We also have a plan B for beginner brands in terms of creating a brief, and we can ask creators for help to participate in the creation of a conceptual idea. Therefore, together we can create AR campaigns that will promote your product sales, improve the user experience and increase loyalty to your brand.

Now you are ready to order your first project and pick the right creator.

If you find it hard to generate definite AR content ideas for your business objectives, check out our blog – Which Flow To Choose? “I Know What I Want” Or “I Need Concept Ideas”?

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