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Step By Step – How Brands Have To Use Platform?

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Step By Step – How Brands Have To Use Platform?
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Step By Step – How Brands Have To Use Platform?

5 Min read 636 Views

If you want to be well-oriented on the Crosscreators platform, to order the project brief as attractive as possible for professional creators, follow this blog: we will go through all the necessary sections of the site in detail. First, we need to fill in the profile information, and then we can upload the project


AR creator's website screenshot

Let’s start with Edit Profile first:

In Edit profile we have the following sections:

AR creator's website screenshot - edit profile


Public Profile

Upload your company brand logo as your profile picture. Here you also write your name, surname, and “profile name” – which means the name of your company. In the Intro, write a short description of the company: In which industry does it operate, and what are the main values of the company. A company description gives the creator more credibility as a result.


Account Settings

Here we just need the company account manager’s active e-mail, where you (The account manager) will receive the necessary notifications.


Notification settings

You will see several types of notifications in the list. Here you choose what to be sent to your e-mail. Our tip is to mark all of them, not to miss a thing for the beneficial journey on the platform. If you look at the description of these messages, you will see for yourself that each of them is important at different stages.


Order Project

The profile is created, now let’s go to the project upload stage. Click on the button – order project. After that, you will have two options. The first option is for those who already have a specific idea/brief for their project. After uploading and filling info provided in guidelines you’ll be matched with relevant creators and if you don’t have a budget provided, they will offer you theirs and you will choose your fav from there and start collaboration.

AR creator's website screenshot - add description

In General Section, you write the headline of the project, which will appear on the creator’s project list first. It must be simple and understandable. The headline must describe two main things: what do you need and for what- for example: “an Instagram filter for an Awareness campaign”- easy and clear.  It’s recommended to insert a photo after the title to make the project brief more eye-catching for the creator. 

After that, select the service type of AR (Augmented reality). You have next choices:

  • Social AR (instagram, facebook, snapchat, tiktok)
  • Web AR (implementing AR into your website/other website)
  • App AR (implementing AR into your application/creating a new app)
  • 3D modeling

If you don’t know exactly which of these services you need: you can find information about each one here:

Social AR

WEB-based  AR

APPlication AR

3D modelling



In this field, you again write Company Information, in which industry it operates. Then you describe project details: What purpose should this project have, what details should it consist of, and what assets can you provide for it? Create your idea of ​​what the concept of the project should be. 


In the details section, we can write down the budget, deadline, and additional resources we can provide. You can take a look our dedicated article on How Should Brands Define A Budget For AR Campaign. If you still don’t know exactly what your budget is, let the creators offer you their own prices. The bidding principle is on your side, because of the competition, creators will try to offer you a lower price than others. You will pay in advance, but the creator will receive the money only after the completion of the project. What about a deadline field, if you don’t fill there, the creators will tell you a reasonable time frame that is needed to complete the project.


By adding a reference, we make it easier for the creator to create a project: he/she no longer has to think too much about what you need. By giving examples, the creators get directions and know more precisely what you expect from them. Along with the link section, you can also add files of different formats here related to your brief. Second

Scenario: I want a Concept Idea

It is for those companies, that don’t know exactly what to implement with AR, in that case, you have a special opportunity to receive from world-class creators concept ideas and budget offers customized only for you and for your objectives.

AR creator's website screenshot - add description

We fill the General information, details, and Reference fields in the same way as we already mentioned. After that, there comes  Goals And Target section. Here we write: who is the target audience, age, and description of your user profile: where you can additionally talk about the interests and values ​​of the target audience. Then you need to highlight: what is the purpose of your campaign, and what you want your customers to achieve. In addition to the existing checkbox options, you can write your own goals.

AR creator's website screenshot - order a project

The final project preview looks like this: go through all the details and then click Publish Project. As you see everything is simple. The main concern is to understand what are the needs of our brand and we should convey our desire to the creators in order to make them understand it as much as possible. Crosscreators platform is a comfortable and trustful way to get an augmented reality project for your brand easily and quickly. For additional guidance, you can send an email to our support team:


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