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AR Jobs Without Specified Budget – Why Should You Apply For?

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AR Jobs Without Specified Budget – Why Should You Apply For?
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AR Jobs Without Specified Budget – Why Should You Apply For?

3 Min read 1441 Views

On our platform, there are frequent cases of AR jobs without specified budget -when clients list a project without mentioning how much money they have. And it has several reasons and also opportunities. 

When the client specifies a budget, then it is easy for you to decide: either it suits us or it doesn’t suit us. Do we apply for it or not?

Have you ever wondered why a brand might not have a budget for its project? The main reason for this is that they don’t know how much your work is worth. Although augmented reality has been one of the fastest-growing industries for years, many companies are still far from creating campaigns and projects in this direction. Therefore, they have no experience and do not know how much it costs to create an augmented reality project. They don’t know that face filters are relatively cheap, while app-based AR is much more expensive.

AR Job Without Specified Budget


How should we act?

The less certain the customer is, the more you can convince him about everything, including the project budget. It is not worth turning a blind eye to such projects. On the contrary, it is at this time that you should bring your professionalism to the client.

As you know, we have two options on our website: the client either has a concept idea and sends a detailed brief, or he doesn’t have an idea and requests a concept idea from the creators. In the first case, when the client has an idea of ​​the concept and knows what he needs: the client is more certain about the directions and possibilities of augmented reality. In the second case, you should assume that the brand is even further away from augmented reality campaigns and has no experience in this direction at all. However, in both cases, the reference to the budget shows that they do not know the prices.

AR Jobs Without Specified Budget

AR Jobs Without Specified Budget? What Do We Do?

First of all, Apply for a job. Don’t forget to act tactically. The fact that they don’t know how much a project will cost doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t have enough budget or will choose the cheapest idea. The most important thing here is that the client likes your idea and sees potential in it. 

AR Jobs Without Specified Budget

Accordingly, you offer our price, and along with that, with the help of a Cover Letter, Concept Description live References, and media files you assure client that your offer is the one to be accepted. Don’t you know how to apply for a project? read this Article. Everyone needs success: increased sales, awareness, engagement, and other positive results. They can not do it without a good augmented reality campaign. What should you do? You will present your capabilities perfectly! You must not be superficial in either direction. Some may resent you for not having a portfolio uploaded on the website when you prefer to simply link to your Spark AR account instead, some may find your bio shallow. Your proposal for the project may not be detailed enough.

In fact, you may practically be able to implement a better AR project than anyone else for a specific client: So use all leverage to convince the client of your professionalism. Apply for a job that doesn’t have a specified budget: convince them of your capabilities and offer your price. Be client needs-oriented and show your uniqueness! Don’t forget to refer to your colleagues and join our Facebook community group to get more useful information.


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