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Augmented reality trends for 2022

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Augmented reality trends for 2022
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Augmented reality trends for 2022

4 Min read 1400 Views

Commercial use of the technology has exploded due to its use by market leaders like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. According to Research and Markets, the market for AR valued 14.7 billion dollars in 2020. It is worth exploring the different avenues and trends that drive the surging AR market. By the end of 2021, AR users were 0.81 billion. It is estimated to rise to a number of 1.73 billion by 2024. As Statista says, some AR headset shipments will reach 30+million devices by the end of 2023. When this industry is moving so rapidly, it’s better to know what the future of AR brings. Here are some of the main Augmented Reality trends of 2022 you should be informed about.


1. Rising of inside and outside navigation

Augmented reality glasses

AR navigation will become more adaptable and available than ever before. If you find it difficult to know where the store you are looking for at the mall is located, or it is very hard for you to figure out which way to go at the airport, AR-based inside navigation will determine your location and help you find the destination. Thanks to powering technologies such as Bluetooth Low energy antennas, Wi-Fi RTT and ultra-wideband, Indoor navigation becomes much more powerful. AR indoor navigation would be one of the most useful applications for businesses such as shopping malls, airports and distribution centres.

2. Vehicle experiences are growing

Augmented reality displayed in car while woman is reading

In the automotive industry, AR has had a considerable impact on it. For example, Samsung Electronics is launching a new concept for in-vehicle experiences in 2022. In the simulated scenario, the driver will be able to get details on the vehicle’s speed, navigation service, warning icons and blind-spot alerts. With the help of AR technology, the driver will also be provided with information about where are cafes, stores or drives. Not only Samsung Electronics has some news, but also Tesla has consolidated AR in its vehicle where you can order it to self-drive.

3. Growth in E-Commerce

Augmented reality is increasingly becoming a center of attention for customers and online merchants. With the help of this immersive technology, the products can be virtually transported into the exciting moment.

IKEA, Sephora, Nike are a few E-commerce brands who already using AR technologies to help convert potential customers to clients.

By 2022, it is estimated that a vast majority of e-commerce stores will incorporate more virtual try-on solutions, in-store navigation, virtual showrooms and filter technologies.

4. AR glasses

use augmented reality glasses while walking in the street

It is said that someday, in the future, smartphones may become a thing of the past. Smart glasses will take the place of smartphones. For today, AR glasses have been tested, but haven’t made the mainstream yet. But it has a bright future especially in the spheres like healthcare and global businesses. The main goal is to equip the employees with location, scanning and sorting services.

It should be noted that Facebook is working on a pair of true AR glasses, which will let you take pictures, listen to videos, or make phone calls.

5.The metaverse and AR-powered meetings

Woman with virtual reality glasses

Talking about Facebook, we should also remark on the development of Metaverse which is very focused on AR spaces. One of the first things that Meta offered was to break down the barriers of traditional hybrid meetings. With the help of AR features, traditional zoom video conferencing can be turned into a conversation where human expression and inclusiveness will be brought back. Learn more on how to leverage AR in Metaverse in a dedicated blog.

6. AR in education

The current circumstances we live in, COVID–19 pandemic affects many schools. In this case, AR doesn’t have a limit. Many educational platforms have made apps to help elementary school students learn subjects via AR experiences.

AR in education makes information easier to understand. Teachers are allowed to use technology to show virtual examples and make learning fun. Some AR apps can also give students access to unique learning environments, some of them are difficult or dangerous to experience in real life when students don’t know how to prepare.

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