Crosscreators hold in high esteem to introduce the next guest of AR Creator’s journey to its audience, AR-obsessed, talented creator – Kenichiro Takamatsu. An interview turned out quite different from others. His genuine motivation to create augmented reality experiences is wonderfully reflected in his professional projects.
How did you start your AR journey? How did you discover Augmented Reality? What motivated you to start the creation of AR?
Before Covid 19, I found Web AR when I lived in Cambodia as the founder/Producer/creative director of the local talent development organization. I thought how cool it would be if I could expand live performances and concerts for our artists, but the cost was too high and it was very hard to make something technically for me. But I felt the huge potential of AR, so I kept researching AR. Then I moved back to Japan and found Social AR and started learning.
What Is AR for you?
AR is part of my body, my passion, and the best tool for my self-expression. I believe that AR will change all industry
When did you realize that you had reached a turning point in successfully creating augmented reality? What helped you with this?
I don’t think I have successfully created AR yet. because my AR artworks are still far from ideal haha. It depends on my skill, but I can say my creative direction is right because the children who saw my work seemed to enjoy it.
There are many skills needed to create a professional AR project, which of them is a must, and which of them helps you the most?
That thought is most important to me. Because AR is a tool that can move the user’s emotions like a movie.
How would you describe your work, do you have a specific style? direction? Does it change over time?
I don’t want to explain my artwork, but if possible My aim is to make my AR artwork blend in with the city like air and entertain people without explanation.
What or who is your inspiration? What would be your advice for other creators?
The inspiration for the idea comes from movies, anime, and fashion magazines. The inspiration for technic comes from AR Community in social media. suddenly they connect when I am walking outside or before I sleep. but it will not be working well normally, and loop…
Tell me about the projects you’re most proud of. What makes them special? What assets were used to build that project?
The AR artwork that I am most proud of will be the one that got the funniest responses from children. so it will be “The Smile – RTK”
See Kenichiro’s wonderful AR projects
Describe your working process. Do you follow the work spontaneously or do you have a plan that you follow?
Everything depends on my feelings and what I want. My basic workflow for AR stuff is that idea, sketch, find new techniques for it(this is the glow-up my skills), and start creating. I am a videographer at the same time, so I always make videos for promotion. It is very effective to add extra value to AR artwork. so I need to spend a lot of time shooting.
How do you deal with clients’ feedback?
My clients trust my ideas and style. This is very important. Also, I trust my style and experience. So in my case, I don’t just follow the client’s feedback, but the point is whether the proposal works well for the client’s purpose.
What is your dream in terms of AR creation?
Everyone uses AR glass like a smartphone, My artworks come out from the building and Train… doesn’t matter if it is artwork or advertising. I believe that AR makes our real world happier anyway!
What is your definition of Metaverse? What does it mean to you?
Metaverse is very difficult to not tech and art people. so I think metaverse needs AR glass. I imagine that I can use NFT to purchase virtual fashion in the Metaverse and bring it in and wear it in the real world using AR glasses. So it’s very interesting for tech/art people but it’s not interesting to normal people yet.
Kenichiro is a special creator, although in his opinion, his works are not perfect and he still has a lot to learn, his AR works show high professional skills. Crosscreators thanks Kenichiro for participating in the interview. Don’t forget to join our creators’ community on Facebook to get more AR insights!
Check out our previous AR Creator’s Journey blog: Elena Baeva – AR Creator’s Journey