After Elena took honored place in the Summer Meta Holiday Spark Challenge, she was motivated to put more effort into creating augmented reality. She was inspired to move forward in this direction, making the world a better place. She often creates effects for some events and enjoys using them herself. “Effect masks create a special mood, create user-generated content and increase engagement” – she says. We asked Elena standard questions and now are sharing her experience with you.
What Is AR for you?
For me, augmented reality means possibilities and an expanded vision of the picture. One might say, strengthening its “taste”. I am impressed that you do not lose touch with the outside world, while you can embody any fantasy. This is literally a fairy tale. I believe this has a great future. Marketing of any field of activity will soon simply not be without it. This is a very exciting path.
When did you realize that you had reached a turning point in successfully creating augmented reality?
I moved to California and saw how many opportunities there are. On foreign sites there is a request for augmented reality, which was not visible to developers from Russia. When you see the orders and the demand for it, of course, it lifts the spirit. And I want to tell even more people about the benefits and effectiveness of using augmented reality.
What or who is your inspiration?
The main creators that I am inspired by are Denis Rossiev and Nikolai Shaman. Their work is ingenious, and their brains work just fine for the benefit of mankind), I admire.
Tell me about the projects you’re most proud of?
On my page there is a project “Crows”. I’m sure it will be popular on Halloween. In the Rubik’s Cube project, you can see the use of materials and 3D objects. The Techno project is one example of how the Hats brand can use augmented reality to try on their products.
Describe your working process. Do you follow the work spontaneously or do you have a plan that you follow?
I really love planning. Therefore, even if the deadline is not soon, I set myself shorter deadlines, so that in case of additional questions and agreements with the client, there is an opportunity to make changes.
How do you deal with clients’ feedback?
I accept with gratitude. In fact, I have not yet received negative feedback, although not all clients are, in truth, easy to work with. I try to use my communication skills to adequately get out of any situation, come to a common denominator and complete the work to the end so that the client is satisfied. For me it is important and valuable.
What is your dream in terms of AR creation?
I plan to open an agency for the implementation of augmented reality in marketing. In fact, I really want to tell more people how cool and powerful this tool is. Not many people know how it works. I would really like to popularize Augmented Reality, and give people an information and educational block, how cool it is.
What is your definition of Metaverse?
I think that we will not move to the metaverse 100%. It’s possible and looks cool. But, nevertheless, real life is no less multifaceted. You need to be able to balance, and this is what will be the real future.
Crosscreators team thanks Elena for participating in the interview and wishes her the best of luck. If you’re creating augmented reality content and aren’t already Crosscreators member join us!
Check out our previous AR Creator’s Journey blog: From Curiosity To Success – Divakar Sarika