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How will Augmented Reality marketing resolve your problems?

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How will Augmented Reality marketing resolve your problems?
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How will Augmented Reality marketing resolve your problems?

4 Min read 2046 Views

The caveman used simple drawings telling others about everything he was seeing, but sad to say the messages were immobile. Thousand years later, the printing machine was invented, which had made the first marketing break. Sadly, most people couldn’t read, which was limiting the market. Later, the telephone got involved, but as it turned out, everyone was interrupted with messages about selling or buying unimportant things. Time passed, and Radio, Television, flyers, banners, door-to-door sales, Internet, mails, ADVERTISING, and, of course, digital marketing have become increasingly ineffective. There is one solution that is workable enough to assist any digital shifts. It is called Augmented Reality marketing.


The problem of a standard advertising

With ads and fleshy banners on the internet, consumers are finding it harder to find content that they like. It makes them feel overwhelmed and interrupted.
According to Mobile Marketer, banner blindness forces brands to shift their display advertising strategies. As studies show:

  • US advertisers spent more than $60 billion on display advertising, but it was noticed by consumers. It seems that a massive $51.6B was wasted;
  • CTRs for banner ads have reduced from 12% in 1997 to 0,35% in 2019;
  • 50% of web users say they never click on banner ads;

AR resolve marketers’ problems
Some other studies show:

  • Advertisers lost $35B to ad blocking software in 2020 alone. It’s anticipated that by 2025, that number will reach a whooping $63B;
  • 64% of consumers believe that ads are disruptive; 45% report that they no longer notice online ads;
  • 34% of ad clicks are accidental;
  • A large-scale study of Facebook ads found that brand search ad effectiveness was overestimated by up to 4 000%;

In short, money spent on standard ads is ineffective.

AR VS standard ads

AR resolve marketers’ problems

As part of one of the laboratory studies, participants were shown three furniture products from IKEA. The two experimental conditions were used in the study: traditional communication condition versus AR advertising condition. In the case of traditional advertising conditions, the participants viewed each product page by page through the smartphone screen. Speaking of AR advertising, the same participants viewed the same product through the IKEA place application. The study results revealed that in the case of AR advertising, participants had shown stronger emotions in their emotional states than those in the traditional advertising condition.

AR resolve marketers’ problems

The example mentioned above is quite telling. It shows that AR advertising has more potential for Marketers than traditional advertising.

Why should you use Augmented Reality marketing for your business?

Traditional advertising is boring. Most of these words are probably not liked by the gen-z generation, who make up more than 40% of the target market in 1-2 years. AR digital marketing even offers them what they want.
Fun and interactive AR advertising can bring benefits to businesses, meanwhile entertain customers:
Use AR digital marketing if you want to:

AR resolve marketers’ problems

1. Increase conversion rates

According to Shopify, AR ads generate 94% higher conversion rates than traditional display ads. In the case of AR ads, the journey your customer goes through before they buy your product is being simplified and improved. Compared to traditional ads, CTA messages in AR ads are understandable.

2. Increase user engagement

According to a report by Deloitte Digital and Snap Inc, 65% of consumers prefer a more personalized shopping experience. AR allows them to interact with production. That’s why 65% of consumers use AR to have fun, which makes them point their whole attention to learn more about a product.

3. Reach younger audience

Consider that Gen-Z and Gen Alpha users are early adopters of AR, which will increase in the coming years. As we mentioned, AR digital marketing can give them fun and creativity.

4. Increase awareness

AR is a unique way to bring attention to your campaign. For example, creating AR masks for brands is a real trend now. It has become a useful tool for product promotion. The statistics show that AR awareness levels range from 70%-75% among 16 to 44-year-olds. Also, A BCG study suggests that 26% of businesses use AR for brand awareness.

5. Generate higher memory response

Brands that use AR are more memorable to consumers. This technology influences potential consumers to have faster-purchasing behavior. Moreover, AR experiences generate a 70% higher memory response compared to non-AR experiences.

6. Boost sales

With all the deeper ownership feeling, outstanding shopper experience, and improving decision-making process AR is able to generate more sales. San Diego interactions found that 72 percent of shoppers bought something they hadn’t planned to buy because of AR, and 55 percent said AR “makes shopping fun.”
Here are some reasons you should dive into the immerse world of AR, especially if you are a marketer. Consider that brands that embrace AR technology stay ahead of the competition because it is lower, and the market is still young.

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