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Meet A Creator Who Finds Inspiration In Mythology And Anime

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Meet A Creator Who Finds Inspiration In Mythology And Anime
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Meet A Creator Who Finds Inspiration In Mythology And Anime

3 Min read 311 Views

Meet Maninder Singh, the next guest of AR Creator’s journey blog. He loves to create mythology and anime types effects and learning new things makes him feel alive.  His dream is to dive fully into the AR world and play all night long with virtual objects.

Learn more about Maninder’s AR journey 👇

How did you start your AR journey? 

I was watching anime called SAO(Sword Art Online) this anime is based on virtual reality then I started my research to look for a device like that so far I came across a similar device meta/oculus virtual device. At that time it was very costly then I started with TensorFlow where we can train AI/ML models and create AR apps also and there is another website OpenCV which is also based on AR. In 2019 I saw the SparkAR ads on Facebook and Instagram then I started to wonder what this application is for. I started to learn from documents about sparkAR and also watched josh Beckwith videos on youtube. I started to enjoy this platform and inside I was also happy to learn new things which makes me feel alive. All of the creators which are in the meta SparkAR community always motivate me with their new ideas, which they add to their creations.

What Is AR for you?

AR is the platform that helps me create my own art and express myself. Now, I’m also earning from AR by creating custom filters and teaching new creators at RESKILLL.

What or who is your inspiration? 

josh Beckwith and Eddy Adams helped me to unlock new levels of creativity in AR effects and for games filter keetapol boonprachak.

Come up with something about yourself that sets you apart from other creators. 

I love to create mythology and anime type of effects which is unique from other creators.

How would you describe your work, do you have a specific style?  Does it change over time?

Yes, I have a unique style because I watch lots of mythological and anime serials first then I try to create them in AR effects/filters. I look for ideas on Pinterest.

When did you realize that you had reached a turning point in successfully creating augmented reality? What helped you with this?

Lord Krishna is my favorite filter because it’s based on mythology series I try to recreate that avatar into my AR filter I used a blender for 3D materials. The second one is the Indian bride which represents the Indian culture I used 3D material and for make up I used photoshop.

Tell me about the projects you’re most proud of.  What makes them special?

Lord Krishna is my favorite filter because it’s based on mythology series I try to recreate that avatar into my AR filter I used a blender for 3D materials. The second one is the Indian bride which represents the Indian culture I used 3D material and for make up I used photoshop.

Describe your working process. Do you follow the work spontaneously or do you have a plan that you follow?

I think to create something we have to look everywhere to get ideas for our AR effect. It is not easy when you try to create an imaginary filter that only your mind knows and it takes lots of R&D. For better creative thinking I take some “me” time.

How do you deal with clients’ feedback?

It’s very important to take feedback otherwise clients will not be happy with their filter and they are paying for that so do anything to make them happy.

What is your dream in terms of AR creation?

My dream is to dive fully into the AR world and play all night long with virtual objects.

How immense is the future of AR in your opinion?

I believe the future will be based on AR and VR, where people can have fun, meet with each other one and try on clothing products.


We wish Maninder the best of luck. 💜 Don’t miss the previous AR journey blog. Get inspired by our creators!

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