Join us on Crosstalks today as we dive into the exciting world of Augmented Reality with our special guest, Valerie Riffaud Cangelosi, CEO at ReapseConsulting. With her exceptional leadership and expertise in the field, Valerie has spearheaded numerous successful AR campaigns, revolutionizing the marketing landscape. Gain invaluable insights as Valerie shares her wealth of knowledge on crafting captivating AR experiences. Discover the intricacies of different industries and their unique approaches to Augmented Reality, and learn how to align your brand’s vision with the immense potential of AR in your marketing strategies. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the limitless possibilities of AR with Valerie Riffaud Cangelosi, an influential figure at the forefront of the industry.
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How can companies benefit from customized AR solutions tailored to their specific needs – Valerie Riffaud Cangelosi’s Crosstalks
< 1 Min read
How can companies benefit from customized AR solutions tailored to their specific needs – Valerie Riffaud Cangelosi’s Crosstalks
< 1 Min read