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From Curiosity to Creativity – Tyago Venâncio’s AR Journey

Creators Interviews
From Curiosity to Creativity – Tyago Venâncio’s AR Journey
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From Curiosity to Creativity – Tyago Venâncio’s AR Journey

3 Min read 346 Views

Join us as we delve into the captivating journey of Tyago, an augmented reality (AR) creator who embarked on their career amidst the pandemic. Gain insight into their initial inspiration and ongoing motivation within the industry. Explore Tyago’s profound perspective on the essence of AR, their visionary outlook for its future, and the remarkable opportunities it holds for creators and brands alike. Discover the intricacies of their working process, their distinctive style that pushes the boundaries of AR technology, and the notable impact they have made. Uncover the challenges faced in harmonizing client expectations with their creative vision, and the invaluable advice they offer to aspiring AR creators. Prepare to be inspired and enlightened by Tyago’s experiences and expertise in the realm of AR creation.

Let’s start from the beginning! How did you start your AR journey? What inspired you to become a creator and what keeps you motivated to continue creating for this industry?

I started my career in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic. It started with a curiosity about augmented reality – a few months later it was already inserted in the community and producing more than one filter per day.

What motivates me to continue as a creator is the happiness of seeing users interacting with the effects and creating content through my work.


What is AR for you?

AR for me is a source of creativity and expression.

How do you see the future of AR evolving? What kind of opportunities do you think it will bring to creators and brands?

I imagine that in the future, augmented reality will interact more with people’s daily lives, leaving the environment just for advertising and entertainment to also be part of life utilities.

I envision a future where creators can produce work that makes people’s lives easier.

Who or what inspires you in your work, and can you describe your working process? Do you follow a plan or work spontaneously? Do you have a specific style that sets you apart from other creators?

My inspirations come from great makeup artists and manga artists. I seek to use creativity in my work.

I follow a line of planning, making the project’s total base and after that making, I start working on experiments and news that can enrich the experience.

The differential of my work is the creativity in adding details that normally the client had not previously imagined, which enchants users and the contractor himself. Like the reactive eyes technique created by me, to make the characters recreated in more realistic and friendly filters.


Can you list the brands you have worked with? What are the project(s) you’re most proud of?

SALLVE, Guabi, CZ Market, Canoan, Meta: AR advertising beta project

Collaboration is a crucial aspect of creating successful AR projects. Can you share an example of a project where you had to balance a client’s needs with your creative vision? How did you navigate that challenge?

In this project we had to align expectations with reality. The client wanted a complete outfit for the character, but the ‘body tracking’ technology was not yet available. The solution was to create armor that aligned with the wearer’s neck.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technology in the AR industry, and how do you incorporate this knowledge into your work?

Facebook, tiktok and instagram. Everything new is on these networks.


Can you share any tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way that have helped you to create successful AR projects?

Always have ‘base’ projects saved, they will save a lot of time and shorten processes in production.

What do you enjoy most about being an AR creator, and how do you balance the technical aspects of AR creation with the creative side? What advice would you give to aspiring AR creators who are just starting out?

In order not to get lost in the middle of the process, it is always important to set specific goals and, before giving space to creativity, to carry out the basis of the project.

One tip I can give to new creators is to learn with native templates and always explore the possibilities, but never apply innovations in commissioned projects before you have full knowledge of the techniques.

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