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Meet the visionary creator who is transforming her art with Augmented Reality

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Meet the visionary creator who is transforming her art with Augmented Reality
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Meet the visionary creator who is transforming her art with Augmented Reality

5 Min read 448 Views
Meet Anne, a collage artist who used augmented reality to give her work a new dimension. The most recent platforms and technologies have always piqued Anne’s interest, and she uses them to expand the scope of her work and engage new audiences. She is a maximalist, and her arrangements are frequently symmetrical and vibrant. Anne is also quite passionate and constantly seeking for fresh ideas and methods to use in her job. She believes that the possibilities with AR are limitless.


How did you start your AR journey?

I’m a collage artist and started to use AR to give my collages a new dimension. I had 0 knowledge in 3d as I mostly do 2d animation and GIFs. My work has always evolved in parallel with new technologies and social platforms. I really see the Internet and digital realm like a giant playground. I would never have imagined making AR one day. Back in 2014/2015 I was super active on Snapchat and used a lot Line Camera. I was obsessed with all the filters, I remember wishing for tools to create my own filters and I guess this prayer was heard!

What Is AR for you?

AR is a way to give my work a new dimension. It is also a way to make my work travel all around the world. Seeing people wearing my masks is always so crazy to me. It allowed me to push the limits of my own creative mind to a whole next level. And I truly believe in the ongoing artistic revolution we are experiencing with AR, VR and AI. It’s extremely stimulating at so many levels.

What or who is your inspiration?

I find inspiration in pop culture, the Internet culture being the main one. I rebounce on things I find beautiful, weird, funny or intriguing. My mind works like a sampling machine where things collide and mix together. I also find inspiration in the esoteric culture, tarot, mythology, art history, fashion, food, cats and 20th century nostalgia.

Come up with something about yourself that sets you apart from other creators.

I’m a weirdo, in my very own way. And I’m obsessed with pizza.

How would you describe your work, do you have a specific style?

I often hear people say: “I instantly recognize when it’s you”, so I guess I have a very specific style. But it’s hard to say what makes my style – my style… It’s a lot. Like. I tend to work in layers and call myself a maximalist. The compositions are often in symmetry and very colorful. I’ve always been like this but my style has evolved in parallel with the tools I’ve been using.

 When did you realize that you had reached a turning point in successfully creating augmented reality?

I set my goals very high. So to me I haven’t reached my full potential.

Brands you have worked with (list links of experiences if possible)

I’ve been in the digital world for almost 15 years now and worked with many brands and media like Guerlain, MTV, Giphy, Ubisoft, Lego, Red Bull, Disney, Arte, Meta, Twitter…

 Tell me about the projects you’re most proud of?

The best project I’ve worked on lately was a collaboration with Giphy where I have full creative freedom to create a Metaverse on the platform of my choice. I had so much fun experimenting with new tools like VR sculpting and AI, and I’m super proud of the result. It’s called “Mystery Weirdland” and you can visit it here.

  This format is a complete revolution in my workflow and I’m creating more metaverses now. I really think this is the next step for cool advertising and art. The one project that made me also super proud is that time I made GIFs and visuals for the MTV VMAs in 2015 when Miley Cyrus was hosting. My GIFs were displayed on Time Square in NY and everywhere in the Subway. It was insane to see my work in such a big scale, but also I’ve always been a big fan of Miley Cyrus, so working with her was a huge honor and I wish this will happen again.

 Anne horel AR journey

 Describe your working process. Do you follow the work spontaneously or do you have a plan that you follow?

I’m very spontaneous, when I’m inspired by something I just jump on it. I’m also quite obsessive so when I get into something I tend to make a lot of it. Like. A lot. Then I jump to an other technique. Lately AI has played a big role in my workflow. I use it like a base for collages, AR and VR or just for inspiration.

How do you deal with clients’ feedback?

Client feedback is client feedback. I always make sure they like what they get. The most important thing is that people I work with are happy to have me on board in their projects.

What is your dream in terms of AR creation?

 I really wish for an integration in the Art world. I want to see AR way more in museums, not only as utility, but also like a new way to approach art, sample art history and open museums to contemporary artists.

 Most likely, we can’t exhaust all the topics and may miss your most interesting story. So If there are any interesting topic related to augmented reality creation, Feel free and share them with us.

How immense is the future of AR in your opinion?

Limitless. I think the human brain can’t even imagine what will happen in the next few years. Things are evolving and changing so quickly, and I can’t wait to see what will immerge next.

We wish Anne the best of luck. 💜 Don’t miss the previous AR journey blog. Get inspired by our creators!

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