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Exploring the Boundless World of Augmented Reality – Daya Silvério’s AR Journey

Creators Interviews
Exploring the Boundless World of Augmented Reality – Daya Silvério’s AR Journey
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Exploring the Boundless World of Augmented Reality – Daya Silvério’s AR Journey

5 Min read 300 Views

In this interview, we delve into the world of augmented reality through the experiences and insights of an inspiring AR creator, known as Daya from @filtrodasfamosas. Discover how Daya embarked on her AR journey during the pandemic, transforming her life and career. We explore her motivation, her vision for the future of AR, and the incredible opportunities it offers both creators and brands. With a unique style and a growing list of collaborations with celebrities and brands, Daya shares her creative process, the impact of her projects, and invaluable tips for aspiring AR creators. Join us as we enter the exciting realm of AR and unveil the limitless possibilities it holds.

-Let’s start from the beginning! How did you start your AR journey? What inspired you to become a creator and what keeps you motivated to continue creating for this industry?
– AR has changed my life! In early 2020, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, I had many job breaks, I had always worked with marketing and found myself without financial resources. I remember that one day I thought “I’m going to research which application creates these filters”, when I came across Spark AR and saw that it was complex and passionate. I learned intuitively and shared my creations, from then on, famous people here in Brazil started looking for me because they wanted a filter of mine and that took on proportions until I became Daya from @filtrodasfamosas.
– What is AR for you?
– AR for me is a passion and my profession. I create and fulfill my dreams based on the possibilities that AR gives me.
– How do you see the future of AR evolving? What kind of opportunities do you think it will bring to creators and brands?
– I can already see that brands that don’t use AR are falling behind. It is a new reality that we all have to insert ourselves into. For brands it will be the most efficient way to maintain relationships with their customers. And for creators, it’s the future! Future of profession, of financial resources, of projects getting off the ground.
Who or what inspires you in your work, and can you describe your working process? Do you follow a plan or work spontaneously? Do you have a specific style that sets you apart from other creators?
– God gives me strength and inspiration on days when we are sometimes less creative or tired. Being united with the community of creators also brings inspiration and learning. I’m extremely organized and a bit systematic, so I like to follow a work plan for delivering clients’ AR projects and I let my imagination flow and I work spontaneously on test and study projects. My style is focused on lighter and more natural makeup, where people feel more beautiful and not in an artificial way. Entrepreneurs also come to me to unite this natural beauty with elements that convey the visual identity of their companies.
– Can you share an example of a project where you pushed the boundaries of what is possible with AR technology and what kind of impact did it have?
– I’ve had several, but I’ll quote a recent one. There is a very famous show on Netflix called “Casamento à blind” and there was a Brazilian version, which I am a huge fan of. I created a filter where the user feels in the program scenario. I reached out to several show participants and followers as well.
– Can you list the brands you have worked with? (list links of experiences if possible) What are the project(s) you’re most proud of?
– My work is known as the Celebrity Filter, precisely because I create for countless famous people here in Brazil (check some in the promotional video I sent), so I mention some famous ones instead of brands. The ones I’m most proud of are Gabriel Medina, Yasmin Brunet, Sabrina Sato, Luciana Gimenez, among thousands of celebrities. I also attended some brands, but the famous ones in this case deserve mention.
– Collaboration is a crucial aspect of creating successful AR projects. Can you share an example of a project where you had to balance a client’s needs with your creative vision? How did you navigate that challenge?
– The first meeting of ideas with the client, I always try to understand the client’s needs and show what is possible to create within AR. Usually my clients are very flexible and open to my ideas. In the @usebuh filter, they had the idea of ​​making a filter for the new summer collection, with an animal theme, we adjusted it and I came up with the idea of ​​putting animal masks on our faces, where we represent animals. The filter was a success.

– How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technology in the AR industry, and how do you incorporate this knowledge into your work?
– I am always connected to groups of creators, I participate in events and study the content of the platforms, such as Spark Ar.
– Can you share any tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way that have helped you to create successful AR projects?
– Learn from other creators. Watch tutorials, videos on Youtube and train a lot, until you perfect yourself.
– What do you enjoy most about being an AR creator, and how do you balance the technical aspects of AR creation with the creative side? What advice would you give to aspiring AR creators who are just starting out?
– I like being able to work with different people all the time, all over the world. I share my day first creating client projects, so I can say that this is where I develop the technical part and then I’m “playing” with the software, testing new skills and that gives me inspiration and increases my creativity for the next clients. My advice to beginners is: Don’t give up! It’s not easy at all! You will find yourself working and studying many hours a day and that may mean giving up other things in life, but it’s worth it! Everything we sow with love, the harvest will be sure.


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