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AR Creator’s Journey – Hristo Boyadzhiev

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AR Creator’s Journey – Hristo Boyadzhiev
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AR Creator’s Journey – Hristo Boyadzhiev

6 Min read 1630 Views

Let us introduce AR Creator’s Journey’s Next Guest – Hristo Boyadzhiev, He is a young, very talented, and purposeful person. Hristo has been creating AR for about 2 and a half years. He started working with companies and influencers about half a year ago and already managed to work successfully with famous Bulgarian celebrities, including one of the most famous Bulgarian pop singers – DARA. He aims to become one of the most popular and successful creators creating augmented reality experiences for the world’s leading brands. Actually, he has already achieved it, because Hristo worked for the Coca-Cola The Voice Happy Energy Tour 2022, which is organized by Coca-Cola Bulgaria and TheVoice Radio and TV. Hristo worked for one of the biggest summer festivals in the capital of Bulgaria – the Sofia Summer Fest. Of course, this is just the beginning of his successful career. Now let’s see how he responded to Crosscreators’ questions:

What Is AR for you? How did you discover Augmented Reality?  What motivated you to start creating AR? 

AR is an amazing opportunity to make the world a more colorful, interesting, and interactive place! I discovered AR in March 2020, just before the start of the pandemic here, in Bulgaria. At that time, I was fascinated by the works of other people and I also wanted to try it out. The first project I ever made was for a friend’s birthday. It was such a simple filter that nowadays I can definitely do it with my eyes closed, but at that time I was just amazed by what the software can do. My main motivation until nowadays is to make others feel a unique world experience in order to have a different view of the environment we live in.

Tell us about your first steps in augmented reality. How did your AR creator’s journey start and how your first project looks like? 

At first, I found it really hard actually to work with the software since it was quite new to me and I haven’t done anything like that before. I remember I used to watch it every day with different tutorials. In 2020, there weren’t as many tutorials as there are now, but I could find amazing work even then. I started working with 2D objects, mainly planes, and face-tracker features. My very first uploaded effect is called “DARINA GLITCH” and I made it in order to appreciate my favorite pop star – DARA. Then, I suddenly saw that people were interested in these kinds of filters and I continued creating more glitch filters. Nowadays, whenever DARA releases a new song, I have a tradition to create a glitch filter for the song. My most famous effect of such kind is “CALL ME GLITCH”.

When did you realize that you had reached a turning point in successfully creating augmented reality? What helped you with this?

I realized I was creating something special when the statistics of my filters went very high. Until that point, I’d never thought that my filters were liked. But one day, when I saw that people really like my effects, I got inspired and decided that I should continue. I also got stimulated by the work I did for some famous Bulgarian celebrities. Their fans really liked the work and that was probably my main turning point.

There are many skills needed to create a professional AR project, which of them is a must, and which of them helps you the most?

One thing I couldn’t do at first at all was to use the patches in Spark AR Studio. I would say that I was scared of even looking at the patch editor. Then I gradually started understanding things and got used to most of the patches. So, I would advise the people who want to start creating AR to be ready for something new and for a lot of challenges. Never be scared to try out new things.

How would you describe your work, do you have a specific style? direction? Does it change over time?

I would say that the filters I enjoy doing the most are the face filters. I just love them and I think they have a big potential. I also make effects with canvas objects, such as rectangles. I recently got interested in making games and right now I would say that I enjoy creating these filters more than the ones for the face.

What or who is your inspiration? what would be your advice for our creators? how to find it?

My main inspirations are my friends and also the TV series and movies I watch. Also, a big inspiration is the more experiences AR creators, such as Paige Piskin, Emma Sofija, and Eddy Adams. These people are beyond amazing and everyone can definitely learn something from them. My advice for every creator is to keep up with the trends, learn from the other creators, and watch inspirational content (movies, TV series, or even videos on YouTube).

Tell me about the projects you’re most proud of.  What makes them special? What assets were used to build that project?

There are a few projects I’m very proud of. The first one is the first filter I created for DARA. It was for the song “Call Me”. This was a challenge for me since I had to create my very first pair of glasses. It was quite tricky since I wanted every detail to be exactly like the original glasses. But I have wanted to work with DARA for such a long time that I could complete every challenge, no matter how hard it was. The second filter I’m proud of is the one I created for Coca-Cola The Voice Happy Energy Tour 2022. I’m very happy I had the opportunity to work with one of the biggest worldwide companies – Coca-Cola. I had to work with some visuals given to me by Coca-Cola Bulgaria. It was quite easy to work with them. And the third effect I’m very proud of is the game I created for Sofia Summer Fest. I spent some time figuring out how to do everything until the very last detail. I love that I could make a whole menu of the game in order to take the experience to the next level. I would say that it feels like you aren’t playing a game on Instagram, but in like a different application. I find this amazing!

Describe your working process. Do you follow the work spontaneously or do you have a plan that you follow? How do you deal with clients’ feedback?

I always have a plan and I advise everyone to make a plan before the beginning of every work. Otherwise, I get very confused and sometimes forget what I wanted to do and how to do it. After every job I do, I send them a form which I’ve made. With this form, they can give me feedback on the overall work. Nowadays, every client I’ve worked with is very satisfied with the overall speed of the work and with my attitude towards them. 100% of my clients have declared that they would want to work with me on future projects.

What is your dream in terms of AR creation and How are you planning to go deeper into the world of AR?

I want to work with worldwide companies and be of the most recognizable creators. I want to start creating effects not only for Facebook and Instagram but for other platforms as well. I would love to acknowledge more things and make my experiences a lot better.


People who are not afraid of challenges are bound to succeed. Crosscreators wishes Hristo the best of luck on his AR journey.
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