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AR as a Digital Layer to See Things Differently: Mireia rabal Terraes’s AR Journey

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AR as a Digital Layer to See Things Differently: Mireia rabal Terraes’s AR Journey
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AR as a Digital Layer to See Things Differently: Mireia rabal Terraes’s AR Journey

4 Min read 1304 Views

From her curiosity in futuristic life to viral educational AR projects that were praised by doctors – join us and discover Mireia rabal Terraes’s inspiring AR journey! 

– Let’s start from the beginning! How did you start your AR journey? What inspired you to become a creator and what keeps you motivated to continue creating for this industry?

I have always been interested in technology and futuristic life. I started with some basic classes of Spark AR and YouTube tutorials and that’s what inspired me to start creating everything I thought in my head.

– What is AR for you?

– Augmented Reality is a digital layer that allows us to see things that we cannot see in a normal world. It is an opportunity to be creative and create whatever we want.

– How do you see the future of AR evolving? What kind of opportunities do you think it will bring to creators and brands?

– I think brands now have an incredible opportunity to be original with this technology and use it in campaigns and products. They can work with creative creators to be new and surprise many people.  And in the future, Augmented Reality will coexist with us in a very natural way.

– Who or what inspires you in your work, and can you describe your working process? Do you follow a plan or work spontaneously? Do you have a specific style that sets you apart from other creators?

– There are 2 creators who inspire a lot of my work. They are @doddz and @piper_z and they show us amazing  projects on Instagram every week and they always help me to stay creative.

I work spontaneously. Sometimes I don’t have anything in mind but I think of an idea, from then, I start a plan on how to develop it. I always think about what I would like to see as a viewer and if I would share it.

I think I do have my own style, because I work creating youthful and current things in a very new way. I always try to know the latest news and I also record my entire process on video so everyone can see it my Tik Tok or Instagram @mireiarabal

– Can you share an example of a project where you pushed the boundaries of what is possible with AR technology and what kind of impact did it have?

– In my last project I used augmented reality on a t-shirt with a target tracker. Many creators had told me that this was very difficult to apply to clothing but I wanted to try. I uploaded a video with the process that has more than 350K views and I am very proud of it. The impact this has is that many people now know about the existence of semi-digital clothes and can share the work I do.

– What are the project(s) you’re most proud of?

– The project I am most proud of was not for any brand. I created an Instagram filter with a friend to raise awareness about the importance of breast self-examination to try to avoid breast cancer.

The internal camera shows a series of steps that you must be followed to perform the self-examination. This filter was in the news of all the Spanish media for weeks and many doctors and gynecologists wrote us messages thanking us for the project.

– How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technology in the AR industry, and how do you incorporate this knowledge into your work?

– Every day I use the applications that keep me connected to the world like Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. This helps me a lot because it allows me to know what is being created in the other part of the world. Also I follow content creators and creative people.

I use this information and incorporate this knowledge into my work to create things that interest people. I also use them, for example, when I have to tell the process of my work on video, I can use trends, viral audios, new effects…

– What do you enjoy most about being an AR creator, and how do you balance the technical aspects of AR creation with the creative side? What advice would you give to aspiring AR creators who are just starting out?

– I enjoy the freedom I have to imagine and create whatever I want. I try to make sure that all the time I spend designing, creating the 3D material and programming is the same time I have to think about a good idea. Sometimes you waste a little more time and you think of an idea that is amazing. 

My advice is to try, try and try. And let them do things that they love to do, not just for making money.

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